30 November 2007

Sobre ranas, músicos y otros animales de compañía / Über Frösche, Musiker und sonstige Haustiere

Hola a todos.

Stone me ha pedido que escriba unas palabras sobre el "bolo" del 20 de Noviembre en el Junction Bar. Y por fin he encontrado un hueco en mi apretada vida social (Si, estoy siendo irónico).

Os preguntareis... ¿Quién es este tipo? Bueno, soy Jorge, el guitarrista que aparece y desaparece... Aunque tal vez esta sea mi definitiva incorporación a la banda.

El Junction Bar es un sitio acogedor. El personal es muy majo. Llegamos y nos dipusimos a probar sonido. Sonábamos incluso bien... Pero llegó el "Técnico" con un alcoholímetro e intentó convencernos de que dicho artefacto era un medidor de decibelios. Resulta que no pueden pasar de cierto límite... 112 Db o algo asi (Mas o menos el ruido que emites cuando te la pillas con la cremallera). Así que tuvimos que bajar y bajar y bajar... La sonrisa de Toby aumentaba de forma inversamente proporcional al volumen de nuestros amplis... La cosa no iba con él, ya se sabe, las baterías no tiene control de volumen... Y que nadie se pregunte si es que los baterias no pueden tocar mas bajo.

Bueno, conseguimos bajar lo suficiente y fuimos a concentrarnos delante de unas birras. Las expectativas, por mi parte seguían siendo buenas: Ibamos a hacerlo bien!

Empezamos a tocar y todo sonaba bastante aceptablemente... Los amiguetes que habían ido a vernos (Digamos que era un bolo no muy publicitado, de prueba) parecían pasarlo bien. Por mi parte, ya que no había tocado nunca esas canciones sobre las tablas y dado que no me oía demasiado alto, preferí concentrarme en tocar bien (En intentarlo, jaja) antes que en dar saltos y desnudarme poco a poco (Mi especialidad). Tuve que hacerlo así y es triste (La gente no va a un concierto de rockanrroll a oir música, para eso están los ascensores), pero todo llegará queridos amigos.

Asi que el bolo se pasó volando, sin incidencias. No metí la pata excesivamente, nadie nos lanzó ropa interior y eso si: En la última canción pensé que estaban matando a alguien detrás de la bateria... Mire hacia allí y era Toby, que, con un extraño brillo en los ojos y una enorme sonrisa, aporreaba su kit como si se estuviera acabando el periodo de garantía.

Llegamos pues al final de la actuación. Creo que lo hicimos muy bien. Timo está cada vez mas acertado en los coros. Stone, monstruoso, como siempre. Toby, hecho un animal. Y yo... hasta hice un par de improvisaciones que creo no estuvieron mal del todo.

Lo mas importante para mi: Los miembros de la banda me dijeron que lo había hecho bien (Parecían sinceros y no creo que ni enorme navaja andaluza tuviera nada que ver).

Y ya, pues recogimos y nos tomamos unas birras... No, al reves: sarrib sanu somamot son y somigocer.

Eso es todo, amigos. La próxima oportunidad, en el Sage Club el 13 de diciembre. Fecha cargada de simbolismo... Habrá que destripar un erizo.

Hasta pronto (espero).


...Und nu die deutsche Übersetzung:

Hallo zusammen.

Stone hat mich gebeten, ein paar Worte über den “Gig” am 20. November in der Junction Bar zu schreiben. Und endlich habe ich in meiner vollen Agenda die Zeit dazu gefunden (ja, das war ironisch gemeint). Ihr werdet Euch fragen, wer ist dieser Typ? Gut, ich bin Jorge, der Gitarrist, der ab- und auftaucht, obwohl diesmal könnte es mein endgültiger Einstieg in die Band sein.

Die Junction Bar ist ein gemütlicher Ort. Sehr nettes Personal. Wir sind angekommen und fingen mit dem Soundcheck an. Klang sogar gut… aber dann kam der “Techniker” mit einem Alkomat und versuchte uns davon zu überzeugen, dass es sich bei dem Gerät um einen Dezibelmesser handele. Man dürfe einen bestimmten Pegel nicht erreichen, 112 dB oder so (ungefähr den gleichen Pegel, den man erreicht, wenn der Schwanz im Reissverschluss steckenbleibt). Also mussten wir runter und runter mit der Lautstärke. Tobis Lächeln wurde umgekehrt proportional grösser zur Lautstärke unserer Amps. Die ganze Sache hatte mit ihm nichts zu tun. Man weiss schon, Trommler haben keinen Volume-Regler. Und bitte keine Fragen, ob Trommler nicht leiser spielen können...

Wir konnten endlich genug runterdrehen und konzentrierten uns dann auf ein paar Biere. Meine Erwartungen waren immer noch gut, wir würden es hinkriegen!

Das Konzert fing an und alles klang ganz schön anständig. Die Freunde, die gekommen waren (sagen wir so, es war ein nicht besonders angekündigtes Konzert, eher ein Test) hatten anscheinend Spass. Da ich diese Songs noch nie auf einer Bühne gespielt hatte und mich nicht besonders laut hören konnte, konzentrierte ich mich eher darauf, die Songs gut zu spielen (besseer gesagt, versuchte es, haha), als auf’s Rumspringen und langsames Ausziehen (meine Spezialität). Ich musste es so machen, total traurig (die Leute gehen nicht auf ein Rock Konzert, um Musik zu hören, dafür sind schon Aufzüge da), aber die Zeit wird kommen, liebe Freunde.

Der Gig ging recht schnell vorbei, ohne nennenswerte Zwischenfälle. Ich habe es nicht besonders vermasselt, keiner hat uns Unterwäsche zugeworfen, aber beim letzten Song dachte ich, dass jemand hinterm Schlagzeug geschlachtet wurde. Habe mich umgedreht und gesehen, dass es sich um Tobi handelte, der mit glänzenden Augen und einem Riesenlächeln auf seine Trommel draufhaute, als würde die Garantieperiode bald ablaufen.

Und so erreichten wir das Ende unseres Auftritts. Ich glaube, wir haben es ziemlich gut gemacht. Timo singt seine Backups immer besser. Stone, ein Monster, wie immer. Tobi, ein Tier. Und ich… ich habe sogar ein paar Improvisationen gespielt, die gar nicht schlecht waren.

Das Allerwichtigste für mich: die Bandmitglieder sagten, dass ich es gut gemacht hätte (die meinten es angeblich ehrlich und ich glaube nicht, dass mein riesiges andalusiches Messer etwas damit zu tun hatte). Später, aufgeräumt und ein paar Bier… ne, andersrum, reib raap nie dnu tmuäregfua.

Das ist alles, Freunde. Nächste Chance, im Sage Club am 13. Dezember. Ein Datum voll an Symbolik. Wir werden ein Stachelschwein opfern müssen.

Bis bald (hoffe ich.)


29 November 2007

Aah... bloody hell, it's jangle time!

And once again, and for the third time this year, it happened:

Her name is Teodora, and she is a 12-string Danelectro DC-59/12 guitar I got from the guys at the American Guitar Shop in Berlin. Cool people, by the way. It's an inexpensive, but surprisingly good quality piece of guitar, with a great neck, great for playing any vintage '64-ish stuff the like of The Byrds or The Beatles.

I will have to enter guitar-rehab sometime soon, I can see it coming...

01 November 2007

Cover me up

Hey mum, I'm on the cover of a magazine!... Well, sort of, it's more like a catalogue for the music retailer JustMusic. How we ended there is a mystery. I mean, I've got a guess, but I won't tell. he picture is great, but it's still a pity that it's only me and not the whole band, but I didn't decide it. Tobi works better with the female audiences than Timo and myself do, but anyway, there we are.

31 October 2007

Well, for those of you who play any instrument, you'll surely know Just Music (formerly Sound & Drumland), the leading music instruments retailers in Germany and one of the largest in Europe. For their upcoming 2008 catalogue, they have chosen to decorate their cover with a nice pic of this silly little band. Cool, huh? Be sure to check it at their stores in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich.

12 October 2007

No Better, studio preview

Hey folks! While we are working on the release of our latest album for early next year, we have posted a short video of us horsing around in the studio last summer to the music of one of the new songs on the record, No Better. Enjoy!

28 August 2007

Hurra, ich bin ein Rockstar!!!

Ja, ja, ja! Richtig gelesen! Und das hab ich sogar schriftlich!!!

Da staunste, wa!?
Jawohl, es gibt nicht nur in Las Palmas, Berlin, Wilhelmshaven, London, Madrid und Los Angeles Frogfans. Nein, auch Uelzen wird in regelmäßigen Abständen von einer gewissen, mit Schallkanonen bewaffneten Fraktion der deutsch-spanischen Mafia....ach nee, das war ein anderer Film....
Nun ja, zumindestens bekamen wir ein Angebot was wir nicht ablehnen konnten :o)

Nämlich auf einem Festival zu spielen, welches die unverbesserlichen Uelzen'er Rocker organisiert hatten. Zusammen mit den großartigen "Short Fuse Burning" und den mindestens ebenso umwerfenden "Subsquad".

Nachdem sich unser Frogmobil tapfer durch endlose Weiten weitab jeder nenneswerten Zivilisation geschlagen hatte waren wir also auf das angenehmste überrascht als wir am Ort der Veranstaltung eintrafen.
Prima Mucke, gutes Bier und fröhliche Leute ließen auf einen entspannten Abend hoffen. Wir genossen die Partystimmung sehr, mussten uns nur leider etwas mit dem Genuss der C2H5OH-haltigen Getränke zurückhalten. Schließlich spielen sich zehnsaitige Bässe nicht ganz so toll....
Schneller als erwartet waren wir dann auch schon mit unserem Teil der musikalischen Unterhaltung dran und ein entfesselter Stone tobte über die Bühne als ob es kein morgen gäbe.

Zitat des Tages: "...und dann hab ich irgendwann den Gain-Regler einfach voll aufgedreht..."

Jawoll, in diesem Sinne verging eine Stunde wie im Flug und wir konnten uns dann wieder in aller Ruhe den weiteren Feierlichkeiten widmen. Es war wirklich sehr nett alte Freunde wieder zu treffen und neue zu gewinnen. Uelzen rockt! Zu schade das wir dann doch irgendwann zurück nach Berlin mussten und uns so die After-Schow-Party entgangen ist.

Das nächste mal aber ganz bestimmt Jungs, verlasst euch drauf!

27 July 2007

New old looks...

The smartest and sharp-sighted among you might have noticed that we've once again changed the looks of this site. Unfortunately, there were slight security problems with the old one (in other words, some fucking spammers were using our domain to send millions of spam mails, hi motherfuckers!), so we had to send her to sleep. While we decide what to do with the site (which was needing a revamp anyway for some time now), we've decided to put this lighter version of it, not as fancy, we know, but trustworthy...

16 July 2007

Mal wieda janz weit draußen

Endlich hatte uns Spandau wieder. Cleanest club alive. For sure. Muss immer wieder betont werden.

Und jedes mal schön zu beobachten, dass wenn man dort musikalisch nicht als ZZ-Top-Verschnitt, Manowar-Coverband oder Bluesrock-mit-Schlagzeugsolieinwürfen-Combo auftritt, man zunächst mal angeschaut wird,als wolle man Rockmusik im Savoy in Göttingen präsentieren.

Sorry.War ein kleiner Insider.

Doch wie immer hatten wir dann unser ganz spezielles Lieblings-Publikum (das is nichma gelogen) recht bald im Griff und alle waren glücklich. Wir auch, denn das "schlecht geprobt ist gut gekonzertelt"-Prinzip hat diesma prächtig funktioniert.

Ich stelle immer wieder fest, dass wenn man das Gefühl hat, nicht ganz so dolle eingespielt zu sein,sprich wenn man sich seiner Sache nicht so gaaanz sicher ist, dann konzentriert man sich etwas mehr und stellt auch ab und an fest, dass da ja noch zwei andere auf der Bühne sind, die auch mitspielen wollen. Und das gerne mit einem zusammen .

Ich fands super!

Alles in allem ein gelungener Abend... danke an alle, die dabei waren.

Zum Abschluß noch folgendes: Letztes Jahr ist mir wie Ihr alle wisst nach dem Sage-Club-Gig der Gaszug meiner Amelie gerissen. Freitag ist mir nach dem JWD-Gig der Kupplungszug meines Cinques gefatzt.

Ich hoffe für meine Bandmitglieder,dass wenn uns bald der weltweite Erfolg einholt, nicht die Bremsleitungen unseres Tourbusses versagen oder der Schubregler unseres Privatjets klemmt.
Denn dann is Schluß mit lustig!

So long,


11 July 2007

So long ago...

Yesterday I spent a few hours recording old MiniDisc demos into the computer. There was a lot of crazy stuff from around 1999-2000, including very early demos of Sovereign's Crown, Berlin, The World's In B&W, Mars Is Waiting and a bunch of pre-productions of Why Cow?, Sugar And Caffeine, Frames Of The Past and similar shit from that time.

Some was recorded with my old but precious Yamaha cassette four-track (a gift from Jorge), some was done with the band during summer of 2000, with Miguelo on drums, Jorge on guitars, and me on everything else (that was during a short bassist-less period where I had to take the duties of the four-strings on stage). Funny times, and very creative ones indeed. Sometimes I miss the old fashioned way of demoing ideas, just pressing "rec" on the cassette recorder and playing and singing the first shit that came to my head. Nowadays, with so much digital recorders and the search for perfection (even in lousy demos), some of that old spark gets lost in the way, and you tend to overthink the songs too much. Shit, I think I'm bringing out the mic and the MiniDisc out again to keep it ready... (the cassette recorder died long ago).

I also found some very interesting riffs and ideas I had completely forgot. There's a way cool one of me fucking around with a distorted 12-string Rickenbacker which sounds killer even after all this time. Gotta bring it out again.

Ah, I'm getting sentimental...

02 June 2007

Frogcircus featured in Spanish TV!

Frogcircus has been featured in the show Cuatrosfera on Spanish TV channel Cuatro, one of the most respected programmes when it comes to alternative music and new tendencies. Aired on May 9, it is now available online at Cuatrosfera's microsite, as well as here (click on the picture).

Berlin, EU

Back home. I wish holidays lasted longer. Or at least I had more each year. Berlin has greeted me with warm sticky weather and the feeling that a great summer is coming up. I hope so.

Our gig for next Saturday has been postponed, so I won't have the chance to take my two new beauties out to play. Pity, as they're HOT.

Anyway, this is it.

Love & a warm Saturday afternoon,


26 May 2007

Seattle, WA

Finally arrived in the grunge craddle, the Mecca for everyone who was an adolescent in 1992. We entered Seattle today from the water, and man, was it an amazing sight. Drving through the city and the car stereo blasting "Would?" by Alice In Chains is something I was looking forward for some time, and so here we are now, eintertain us.

The skyline of this city is simply put, unfuckingbelievable. And water everywhere you look, has a little bit of Sydney in it. Today's the start of a city music festival, and the ambient is great, a whole lot of freaky people running around by the Space Needle and a lot of music going on every few steps. Including a bunch of Bavarian Fussplattler with their lederhosen, feathers and all that stuff... travel that far and find them here. Hmm.

Nice town, I just hope I don't come across more guitar shops...

24 May 2007

Olympia, WA

Hola from Olympia, WA, indie-rock and college city par excellence in the Pacific Northwest. The trip is nearing the end, but I still got time to surrender to my GAS attacks, and today, before leaving Portland, this beauty came home with me:

Paulova, Gibson Les Paul Standard

Nice, huh? Another Les Paul, I know, but she's hot! As I said in the last post, I'm sick, I know.

Love from up here,


19 May 2007

Portland, OR

Hi from beautiful Portland, Oregon. It's been a while since last post, but I've been, well, away. Travelling a little bit around the West Coast. San Francisco was amazing, so was Yosemite and the whole Oregon Coast. Today in Portland and next week in Seattle, my personal pilgrimage city, craddle of grunge and of several of my favourite bands.

The topic is fucking true: people over here are really fat. So much indeed that I feel like a bloody skinny guy. Cool :o)

OK. gotta leave now, as I'm in an Apple shop and people keep loooking over my shoulder when I wrote the word fuck once. Oops, there it is again...

Love and nice sights,


PS: Oh, and by the way, it happened again:
Gibson Firebird V
Her name is Bernarda and she's a precious Gibson Firebird V I got from Real Guitars in the beautiful San Francisco. I'm fucking sick, I know.

15 April 2007

Farewell, Irene

Yesterday I sold Irene, my Fender Jaguar '62 Japan Reissue in Olympic White. A truly great guitar. It was quite hard parting with her, as she was my first good guitar, bought in Madrid in May 1997 from a guy at a guitar store who had to sell her in order to pay his rent. Sad but true, and so I got my hands on her. I later used it to record almost all of Acid Jokes.

It's always hard to sell a guitar, especially such a beauty, but I wasn't playing her at all lately and was really far from my "sound" (if I ever had such thing), which is more a humbucker-style bad motherfucker. And after all, I have to make some room for the one(s) coming up, you never know with me and my GAS (I got my eyes set on a few nice birds right now.)

So farewell, Irene. May your new owner make some nice surf rock with you!


06 April 2007

Foort Cobain Tribute 2007

Another year, another Easter, another edition of the Kurt Cobain & Nirvana Tribute.
Just another? No, this time we thought we'd refrain from repeating the usual Nirvana songs and preferred to pay tribute to the real genius of the band: Mr Dave Grohl. After all, if it weren't for him, Nirvana would have never made it past being a half-amateur punk band with good songs and attitude. It was only Grohl's taking over the drums which made them into a fucking great rock band after all.

And so we said, you know what, fuck it all, let's play just Foo Fighters songs this evening. And so we did. All My Life, My Hero, Everlong and Monkey Wrench were the chosen ones, and man... did they have fun out there. I guess no-one was expecting this shit. God, it was a great feeling to see the faces looking at each other and mumbling "what the fuck!?". I love those moments.

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. And we had a blast. Summary of the evening? We are Frogcircus. Fuck you, this is what we do.

Love & evil horns,


01 April 2007

Go vegan with The Sheeps From Hell (Chemnitz)

Subway To Peter in Chemnitz is one of the most bizarre clubs we've ever had the pleasure to play. There's not any proper stage at all, but they put all the efforts into making your time there as great as possible. And they manage it via the deli-fucking-cious food they always serve before the gigs. Vegan food, as it seems. As I said, delicious and incredibly tasty, but it's funny to notice how vegetarias/vegans always try to make their vegetarian/vegan food look like meat, smell like meat and taste like meat, but no meat please. Seems to be a subconscious contradiction there (they're all just yearning for a big fucking steak, but they're too ashamed to accept it probably.)

Anyway, another day of playing Tetris with the equipment in order to get it all inside the car, another day with a long boring drive to do, another day of screaming my balls off in front of the audience, and another day of having fun playing old and new songs with these guys, which is always the best part of it all. I have the best bandmates in the world.
We played an old/new song we hadn't done for years: Dolly, an ode to my favourite cloned sheep from Scotland, which we have never released but could make it in the next record (somewhere in the future...) A nice punky little tune with one of the most bizarre solos in music history, take my word.

After the gig, we stayed there a bit (although our favourite drummer had to run another one of his half-marathons the next morning, which didn't refrain him from smoking as usual) and watched some boxing going on TV, some old German legend I'd never heard of was making his comeback. Funny to see how little we have changed since the Romans time and their "bread and circus" attitude.
And to top it all, we had a beer with Johnny Cash, the man himself...

Take care...

12 March 2007

Our youngest fan / Man of the day

Today, this picture arrived in our mailbox:

This is Ruben Lauris from Wilhelmshaven in Germany, son from two seemingly dedicated fans. It seems that, for now, he's the youngest frogfan around. It's great to see that even the pants-shitting, milk-drinking toddlers love our music. Ruben, we'll be drinking a pint of milk in your honor tonight!

16 February 2007

Thanks for not smoking in front of the children (Sage Club)


So here we were again, the infamous Sage Club in Berlin, a place that last surrendered to the frogtunes in summer. This time it's in the middle of a somewhat bizarre winter, but winter anyway, and fucking freezing if you ask me. The pool's closed and outside the girls are wearing sausage-looking anoraks instead of lovely tops that don't leave much space for imagination. But inside it's hot as hell, as usual here, so the anoraks are stored in the wardrobe and the song "Peaches" keeps coming to my head every three steps.

Anyway, after a way too early meeting at the HQ we went down to the club to do rather messy soundcheck, hoping we'd get a better stage sound in the evening. The only good thing about such an early soundcheck is that you get some spare time to go back home, relax a bit, have a bite and watch some cool DVDs before you go back to the club to play at 23.00h. OK, that's at least what Timo and I did. Some others preferred to stay and taste the grilled specialities the Sage Club offers. And of course, between steak and beer, beer and steak, beer and beer, a few funny ciggies to relax. I can still smell your scent...

At eleven o'clock the place was filled, the band was ready and the show was about to begin. It's the first time we actually start with such punctuality, I was totally amazed that we'd managed it for once. Fucking hot onstage, fucking loud and damned good-looking girls everywhere you looked. A rock'n'roller's paradise really.


Of course, no froggy gig goes down without technical incidents, and this time it was no exception. Middle through the second song, my guitar simply disfuckingappears! And no, this time it wasn't my radio unit running out of batteries. So there I was, looking totally puzzled, and still playing but no sound coming out of my amp at all. Great, I thought, the gremlins have tracked us down again. It was some shitty pedalboard plug that kept coming out of the socket, I found out after the song. But hey, just keep on smiling, we're pros, aren't we? :o)

The gig went down pretty well considering the (at least for me) awful monitor sound onstage, where I couldn't hear my voice at all, but apparently everything was really fine outside and the girls kept smiling, dancing and jumping around in their tiny clothes and the guys in the audience (and onstage) kept smiling with a silly grin and the vampire teeth ready.

We played a brand new song for the very first time, "Ink", a fast and dirty little number that we're looking forward to record as soon as possible. The same old story in this band: the new album is recorded and not yet released, and we already have new songs waiting and ready to record. It happened with the first demos, it happened with Acid Jokes, it happened with the Zeitgeist EP, then later with Allergic, and it seems now it's going to be the same with Frogcircus. Well, at least you can't say we're running out of songs, right?

Love and ink,


Phrase of the day:
Stone: Hey, when did you arrive?
Juancho: Oh, not long, just a beer ago.

Juancho & Tobi

27 January 2007

Proben und neue Lieder

Letzte Woche haben wir nach der Weihnachtspause endlich wieder mit dem Proben angefangen. Immerhin haben wir einen Gig am 15. Februar im Berliner Sage Club... Die letzte Platte ist noch nicht raus, da sind wir schon wieder dabei, neue Lieder (sog. Songs auf Neudeutsch) zu schreiben. Typisch Frogcircus, was kann ich dazu sagen (Seufz.)

Es handelt sich dabei um eine eher ruhige Nummer, die "Don't Lose Your Head" heisst, und eine eher schnelle, dreckige Sau Namens "Ink." Texte sind hierfür noch nicht fertig, aber nehmen langsam aber sicher Form an. Unser neuer Mann an der 2. Gitarre, Juancho, lernt fleissig die Songs und geniesst die Frog'n Roll Way Of Life :oP

Es wird ein gutes Jahr, ich weiss...

Der Stonerl

PS: Oh, ja, und ein neuer Amp ist bei mir daheim... oops, it happened again!