27 April 2006

Whiskey Soda, gig review

Online rock magazine Whiskey Soda has posted a concert review of the Kurt Cobain Tribute. You can read the complete article by clicking here. But the, ehem, most interesting part is reproduced below :o)

19 April 2006


Yes, indeed! Spring is back in Berlin!!! About fucking time! The trees are getting their green again, the sun shines, you can walk in a shirt and we have blue sky in the mornings (although it later gets a little cloudier, ok). I'm feeling well, thank you, and no, I haven't had lysergic acid.

And oh yes, I've got a few brand new songs ready! Aaah, it should be spring more often...

16 April 2006

(Kurt 2)

The Froggy Times

Neue grauenvolle Anschlagserie traf Deutschland mitten ins Herz
Augenzeugen berichten: "Es war die Hölle auf Erden"

Nun ist es schreckliche Gewissheit! Nach dem kleinerem Attentat im Berliner Knaack-Club am Mittwoch, bei welchem die Gäste der schwedischen Rockband "The Quill" ins Visier der deutsch-spanischen Mafia gerieten und verheerende Opferzahlen zu beklagen hatten, wird nun der 14. April 2006 als der berüchtigte "Grüne Freitag" in die deutschen Geschichtsbücher eingehen.

Frösche A und B

Ein fröhliches Fest wurde Schauplatz eines schändlichen Verbrechens. Friedlich den Geburtstag des verstorbenen amerikanischen Rocksängers Kurt Cobain feiernde Besucher eines Beat-Konzertes wurden Leidtragende sinnloser Gewalt.

Wie aus einem am Tatort zurückgelassenem Bekennerschreiben mit der Überschrift "Setlist" hervorgeht bekannte sich wiederum der millitärische Flügel der deutsch-spanischen Mafia, eine unter dem Decknamen "Die Frösche" operierende Fraktion, zu dem Attentat.

Frosch C

Wie der Präsident der Berliner Polizei auf einer Pressekonferenz am Freitag Abend bekannt gab setzten die Terroristen auch bei Ihrem neuerlichen Anschlag auf das Berliner Kesselhaus neuartige Waffensysteme ein, welche noch Tage nach ihrem Einsatz zu gefährlichen Gesundheitsstörungen führen können. Diese sogenannten Schallkanonen führen bei direktem Beschuss unmittelbar zu Störungen des vegetativen Nervensystems, so u.A. zu Hypertonie, Tachykardie, Bewusstseinseintrübungen und Epileptischen Anfällen, welche mit unkontrolierten Zuckungen einhergehen. Als Spätfolge ist bis jetzt vor allem ein vermehrtes Auftreten von starkem Tinitus bekannt. Vereinzelt aufgetretene Hörstürze scheinen jedoch nicht im direktem Zusammenhang mit dem Attentat zu stehen.

Besucher währed der Aktion

Der von Augenzeugen dokumentierte Fall eines gebrochenen Beines dürfte jedoch eine unmittelbare Folge der durch die Schallkanonen ausgelösten Epilepsie sein, und geht somit ebenfalls auf das Konto der Terroristen. Das Bundesinnenministerium rief alle Bürger des Landes auf bei auftretenden Symptomen sofort einen Arzt aufzusuchen und sich bei den zuständigen Behörden zu melden.

Völlig unklar ist bis jetzt ob der am selben Abend im Keller des Kesselhauses aufgetretene Brand in Beziehung zu den Anschlägen steht. Bis jetzt ist nur bekannt das eine der deutsch-spanischen Mafia nahestehende weibliche Person unmittelbar vor Ausbruch des Brandes auf der Damentoilette in unmittelbarer Nähe des Tatortes gesehen wurde. Wie die Berliner Polizei mitteilte wird ein Zusammenhang nicht ausgeschlossen.

Trotz eines sofortigen Großeinsatzes der Polizei und der Berliner Feuerwehr sind die Täter flüchtig. Der leitende Ermittler der Berliner Polizei, Inspektor Hatzenbacher, teilte auf der Pressekonferenz mit das die Terroristen wahrscheinlich als Zivilisten getarnt das Gelände der Kulturbrauerei verlassen haben. Die Fahndung läuft. Hatzenbacher bat auf der Pressekonferenz um die Mitarbeit der Bevölkerung und stellte Phantombilder der drei Attentäter und der mysteriösen weiblichen Person vor.

Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin verurteilte die Anschläge auf das schärfste.

Phantombilder von zwei der Attantäter

15 April 2006

Acoustic thingy

After the two quite successful Cobain tributes in Potsdam and Berlin and the support gig with The Quill from Sweden (thanks to everyone who came to see us!), Stone & Tobi will be appearing at an acoustic evening at Berlin's Arcanoa (Am Tempelhofer Berg 8, 10965 Bln-Xberg) along with Neonkrieger, who called us on a very very short notice to play with them. Starts at 21:30 h, costs just 3,-€. A few brand new songs will be played for the very first (and perhaps last) time, so don't miss it!

08 April 2006

Potsdam Lindenpark (Kurt 1)

"A hit 'n run underneath the scars". The Titanium line could be the perfect summary of tonight's gig in Potsdam, the first of two Kurt Cobain tributes this month. We came, played, and left in the blink of an eye. Timo had to leave early in order to follow his love affair with medicine, so we all went together after the last note. Remembered me to the Beatles' tours through the US back in the 60s, hitting town and leaving right after.

Stone & Timo

A lot of friendly faces tonight, cool bands with whom we've already shared a few gigs (Axone, you are the funniest guys around, cheerrs man!), and also our followers from The Krams were there too (Hi if you're reading!). Lindenpark seems like the perfect venue, cool stage, great backstage and a fucking bus in the middle of the place, amazing. Pity we couldn't stay longer, but we'll have another chance to see the other great bands next week in Berlin at the second leg of this yearly tribute to Mr. Cobain, Kurt Donald (yeah, the guy that used to play in Dave Grohl's band before).

OK, now I have to leave... I told you I was in a hurry.

El Niño Stone

Currently listening to: Led Zeppelin (Live at the BBC), Velvet Revolver (Contraband), Alice In Chains (Box set), Johnny Cash (American Recordings I-IV)


06 April 2006

Hot 'n tasty chez Lindamulagey Suraj Tyronne Silva

I had a special evening yesterday: Tyronne, our Sri Lankan ex-drummer and friend had invited us to a self-cooked dinner at his place. Imagine, typical sri-lankan food, so tasty, so abundant, and so fucking hot as well. Even the water and the ice felt hot... Man, that was awesome! It was a nice chance to catch up with each other and know what he's been doing lately.

He told us on his drum workshops and shows in Germany and Sri Lanka, where all the benefits go to children of poor families there. He's sort of a superstar at home, with sppearances in the top TV shows and all the craziness that goes with it, like getting love letters from girls all the time, and not having to go through customs in the airport, and so many other stories, it was so fucking funny we were rolling with laughter. Tyronne has become something like a holy man, studying buddhism and different other views of life. Deep shit, man.

I'm so glad that he's doing fine again, he deserved it after having to quit drumming for some time, which is his absolute passion. He's the only drummer I haven't kicked out of the band indeed, that must be something :o)

Did I already say that the food was delicious? And oh yes, he's got a website running, check it out bvefore you go to bed tonight: www.tyronnesilva.com.

03 April 2006

Springtime is here again... really?

Another loud and sweaty pussypop evening in Berlin. Aufsturz Club, right in Mitte's core, the Orabnienburger Str., home of the finest hookers in the city (or so we have been told). Thanks god this time we didn't have to carry all our shit down to the club as the other band of the evening was bringing the complete backline. Well, almost, I bought my microbe amp with me, it's sooo cool and so fucking loud you wouldn't believe it.


We had prepared a shorter set than usual, but as we found out we were headlining, we hastily rearranged the setlist and included a few crowd pleasers. Just after the soundcheck we had a few hours to kill and went to Tobi's pad, which is just a short walk away from the club, and had a few laughs watching "Goldeneye" on the telly. They make pretty cool car scenes by the way... the Aston Martin was a way too cool car, pity that they changed it afterwards to a BMW (I mean, nothing against it, I would have done the same if they gave me one, but y'know, it's not the same though).

Then it was time for rockandroll. After the other band (State Of Emergenzy [sic]) did their set, we took the stage (raised just about 30 cm) and blew a few minds away... I fucked it up completely at the beginning of Throwing Up, for a few seconds I was playing completely wrong notes and kept thinking the guitar was out of tune or something. Of course it wasn't (hey, it's a Les Paul!), just my fingers had decided to do a little step-dancing on the fretboard meanwhile. Nothing better that holding it, laugh out loud and start over again. Fucking pros we are...


We included a very very brand new song tentatively called "If You Only", which, I must say, rocks the shit out of me. The lyrics aren't finished yet (some attentive ears might have heard an, ehem, odd line here and there), but it's a pretty contender to be in the next album. Songs keep piling up to be recorded, we already have quite a bunch, I'm totally looking forward to record them and share them.

After finishing with "Toxic", we had to return the curtain calls and improvised "Breed", which wasn't rehearsed at all (and so it did sound at times, sorry, but hey, it's fucking Nirvana, they couldn't play either!). By the way Nirvana, next Saturday in Potsdam, another edition of the Cobain tributes at the Lindenpark. ¿Qué será, será?

El Niño Stone

Currently listening to: the BBC World Service, Metallica (Master Of Puppets), Therapy? (Shameless), Weezer (Make Believe), Best Of Ennio Morricone, Elliott Smith (Figure 8).

PS: Oh yeah, and we actually played "Peaches" at the Aufsturz (the place where it belongs). It's always a pleasure peaching a little bit there... :o)

Timo's list