26 May 2004


Today we were supposed to rehearse, but in the end we had to put it off. But the best part is that Jens came along driving a brand new metallic green Volkswagen bus he had traded in for his old combi! The fucking perfect Frogmobile!! Simply over-cool... we were flabbergasted when we saw it.
Now we have our very own froggy tour bus. Only the drigs and the groupies were missing, but we'll sort that out soon... I hope!

24 May 2004

Stupid Monday

How else can a Monday be? A Monday is a stupid day by definition, no one can change that. Everything seems not to work properly on a Monday, not even the own brain. I was born on a Monday, I know what I'm talking about.
We've been arguing with the record company on the details of the contract, and believe me when I say I just hate it all. I'm tired of the bickering that goes with it, but in the end, I'm a lawyer, so I'm supposed to handle it and get it all settled. Which is not always easy. Let's just hope the whole thing does not blow up, I want Allergic to come out soon. We don't want to sit on our record for too long. We've already started rehearsing new songs for the next record, you know? Nobody can stop us, buddy! Not even a stupid monday...

19 May 2004

Mierda de servidor...

...fuck, the server where our website is located is gone, it is deceased, gone to make its maker, it has ceased to be, the server is no more... so we're stuck with a backup from last month, which means a lot of our best stuff is lost, or at least it has to be uploaded again and partly made new. Great!
And to round it all, I have just seen on TV a video from Manowar called "Glove of metal". Seriously, sometimes I wonder if Manowar wants to be a Spinal Tap tribute band or something. Not only are they real bad and play sucking music, they have this totally ludicrous costumes... I don't know how to say, I believe the tears I get from laughing didn't prevent me from watching the last image on the video, a plastic "metal" glove totally similar to the infamous Anal Intruder you can see in Top Secret, that cool movie with Val Kilmer.
OK, back to TV to watch Valencia play UEFA's final vs Marseiile.

18 May 2004


...wie viele Leute aus Berlin bei diesen Blog dabei sind... hätte es gar nicht gedacht. Aber sieht so aus als ich der einzige wäre, der auf Spanisch schreibt! Ha! Naja, was kann man sonst erwarten?
Shit, es ist wieder 12 Uhr nachts und immer noch nicht im Bett... typisch.

Preparando la portada

Hoy he estado hablando con Maxim para discutir algunos bocetos para la portada del disco. La verdad es que cada nuevo boceto que me mandaba estaba mejor que el anterior, y el que tenemos ahora está bastante bien, aunque hay algunas cosas que hay que mejorar (como poner Allergic con dos eles, ejem).
En genearl me va gustando bastante, pero una putada que no pude escaquearme con el tema de las letras. Maxim me comentó que bastante gente había flipado con mi letra (cosa que no termino de entender por otro lado) así que me pidió si podría escribir TODAS lass letras del disco a mano para luego ponerlas en la carpeta del CD. Yo le dije que sí, pero la verdad es que es un coñazo y no sé si al final vamos a usarlas o no... En fin, que hoy he empezado y después de tres canciones ya me dolía el brazo. Se nota que hace muuucho tiempo que no escribo a mano. Fíjate simplemente que estoy haciendo un puto diario y lo estoy tecleando. Aah, tiempos modernos, chaval.