24 May 2004

Stupid Monday

How else can a Monday be? A Monday is a stupid day by definition, no one can change that. Everything seems not to work properly on a Monday, not even the own brain. I was born on a Monday, I know what I'm talking about.
We've been arguing with the record company on the details of the contract, and believe me when I say I just hate it all. I'm tired of the bickering that goes with it, but in the end, I'm a lawyer, so I'm supposed to handle it and get it all settled. Which is not always easy. Let's just hope the whole thing does not blow up, I want Allergic to come out soon. We don't want to sit on our record for too long. We've already started rehearsing new songs for the next record, you know? Nobody can stop us, buddy! Not even a stupid monday...

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