12 August 2006

Recording the new album - Day One

OK, so here it goes. Today, Monday August 7 we were due to start the recording of what should be our fourth record. The place? TB Sound Studio in Treuenbrietzen, about 60 km from Berlin.

Today it was mainly loading in all the shit we're bringing with us, drums, guitars and so on. So it was just Tobey and me, tomorrow all of three of us will be there from the early hours of the morning.

Jürgen (our producer and wizard behind the knobs) had to spend quite a while fine-tuning the kick drum sound, but in the end he did a fine job, and it "kicks" ass (get it?) It was quite late when we actually started recording the first drum tracks for "What's The Voltage William?", and a certain drummer needed more than the usual two takes to get it nailed, ehem, but he scored back by doing "Follow You Around" in a blink of an eye.

Then, after setting up drums, amps, guitars and mics for three hours and actually only one recording, we took the road back home and here I am now, begging for some sleep but happy as a child with the perspective of spending the next few weeks doing a new album...

Songs done:
"What's The Voltage William?": drums
"Follow You Around": drums

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