16 June 2008

78.840 hours...

...or what's the same, 9 years. On this exact day in 1999, way back in Las Palmas, I opened a brown box to reveal a fucking lot of copies of the very first record I had ever done, Acid Jokes. Nine years later, also on a June 16, but on 2008, I have just opened another brown box containing what is our fourth record to date, Not Completely Clean. I cannot really describe how great that feeling is, receiving your newest piece of music all packed in carton, and sealed with plastic. It's just a great feeling, for lack of a better word. And with it comes also the same question each time: "How the fuck are we going to sell all these?".

I don't really know, and I must admit I don't really care at all neither. Right now I'm simply satisfied of the work done, of the mission accomplished and of yet another piece of music brought out there for those who want to listen, wether it's twelve, twelve hundred or twelve thousand people, I don't care. Tonight, I'm simply proud of this little band.

What the fuck!? This massive, amazing, incredible little band.

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