07 November 2006

The return of the Lemonheads

Sunday night I went to see one of my all-time favourite bands, The Lemonheads at the FritzClub, where we had played in June.

I love the simplicity of their songs, and yet the vibrant good mood or reflective not-so-good mood they can express with a few chords. They were on tour again after almost 10 years promoting the comeback album (which is great, if anyone wants to buy/download/steal it).

A great concert, and though Evan Dando seems to be in a better shape than he used to be in his smack days, he looks quite old and weary, sometimes very fragile. But still has that great voice.

Love and good songs,


PS: Oh, and by the way, here's a picture of a pea soup that looked more like a frog soup. And no, those two frogs aren't Tobi and Timo.

Green shit

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