06 April 2006

Hot 'n tasty chez Lindamulagey Suraj Tyronne Silva

I had a special evening yesterday: Tyronne, our Sri Lankan ex-drummer and friend had invited us to a self-cooked dinner at his place. Imagine, typical sri-lankan food, so tasty, so abundant, and so fucking hot as well. Even the water and the ice felt hot... Man, that was awesome! It was a nice chance to catch up with each other and know what he's been doing lately.

He told us on his drum workshops and shows in Germany and Sri Lanka, where all the benefits go to children of poor families there. He's sort of a superstar at home, with sppearances in the top TV shows and all the craziness that goes with it, like getting love letters from girls all the time, and not having to go through customs in the airport, and so many other stories, it was so fucking funny we were rolling with laughter. Tyronne has become something like a holy man, studying buddhism and different other views of life. Deep shit, man.

I'm so glad that he's doing fine again, he deserved it after having to quit drumming for some time, which is his absolute passion. He's the only drummer I haven't kicked out of the band indeed, that must be something :o)

Did I already say that the food was delicious? And oh yes, he's got a website running, check it out bvefore you go to bed tonight: www.tyronnesilva.com.

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