09 February 2006

Pussypop Anthology, CD 1: The Accoustic Years

We've been rehearsing for the accoustic gig at the Hard Cock Café next week a few times, and I never thought I would be so happy doing that gig. Tobi is taking the cajón and a few other things to bang while Timo has taken his Oma double-bass out of the closet to make some noise. I stick to my accoustc guitar, which is the only thing I can do as long as we don't get a grand piano, hehe. And we've been doing some crazy shit with three voices (sounds a bit like a Mexican rancheras group at times...). Let's see how it all turns out on Tuesday (February 14, Valentine's Day for those who care, or are obliged to care), but I'm looking forward to it. Crazy days...

And for those out there who've been listening to the MP3s on the website and found the "outtakes" cool and have asked for more of that, I've put up a few home demos at www.soundclick.com/stone1976. Some might find it interesting, some might not, we don't give a shit. They're there anyway. Of course, there is also one for the band at www.soundclick.com/frogcircus, that one with more serious shit.

Love and garlic,

El Niño

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