21 January 2006

John Frog & the Lennoncircus

I've just raised from the land of the semi-dead and the arms of Morpheus, and I'm slowly remembering flashes from yesterday night's gig at the John Lennon Tribute. My back hurts and I don't know why, as there was no gear to carry around this time, just guitars and thirst. Great!

We had prepared a few Johnny songs triturated by the mighty frog mixer, and I'm sure a little bit of rock'n roll is what the audience needed after too many slow acoustic versions. So it was time to giv'em something for their money, so with great confidence and a few beers, we took the stage and raped "Norwegian Wood" (aka Der Wäldchen-Song), "Come Together" (one out of five hundred times during the night, ehem), "Any Time At All" and finally, the most heavy version of "Tomorrow Never Knows" we've ever managed to play. We were deaf, but the people wanted that extra push, so we had to come back and do "Weekend Lover", which I'm sure some might have thought was a B-side from Lennon's Anthology or something similarly silly...

Timo had the chance to use the Rickenbacker bass to get the real sound, and I introduced Torcuata (my brand new ES-333 Gibson semi-hollow geeetar) to the world. And Tobi, well, Tobi had to play with the crappy drumset that was there and bite his lips :o)

All in all, a great evening. A lot of fun to be there later on with a few special fans (hi Hanna and Maxi, I hope your socks are dried) ;o) and a lot of cool bands that played some fucking rock'n roll for a change. Lennon deserved it.

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